مقاله بازساخت دولت محلی: نقش حوزه های خارجی در ساخت گردشگری شهری
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مقاله بازساخت دولت محلی: نقش حوزه های خارجی در ساخت گردشگری شهری
این مقاله در 15 صفحه تنظیم شده و بوسیله دنیس جود و دیک سیمسون در مجله american behavioral scientist در سال 2003 به چاپ رسیده است .
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DENNIS R. JUDD is a professor in the Department of Political Science, University of Illinois
at Chicago. He is editor of the Globalization and Community book series for the University
of Minnesota Press. He has published extensively on urban politics, urban development,
urban tourism, and related subjects. Most recently he co-edited with Susan S. Fainstein The
Tourist City (Yale University Press, 1999) and edited The Infrastructure of Play: Building
the Tourist City (M. E. Sharpe, 2003).
DICKSIMPSONis professor of political science at the University of Illinois at Chicago and
a former Chicago Alderman. His latest books on urban politics are Rogues, Rebels, and
Rubber Stamps: The Politics of the Chicago City Council from 1863 to the Present
(Westview, 2001) and Inside Urban Politics: Voices From America’s Cities and Suburbs
(Longman, 2003). He has published articles on urban politics in Urban Affairs Review and
Journal of Urban Affairs.
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مقاله بازساخت دولت محلی: نقش حوزه های خارجی در ساخت گردشگری شهری
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